Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Favourite Photo of 2009

So i know the quality isn't so great but what a photo. I have my own theory on what it looks like is happening here. Tell me what you think?
PS Josh has fallen asleep on the couch and i am watching him/the biggest loser. I love how he is sleeping with his arms folded across his chest, he looks like a little boy. Love this guy.


Crystal said...

lucy you actually look already dead in this photo, like josh has just snapped your neck about 3 seconds ago, but is now holding up your lifeless body. sorry if that is scary. but i can't help it if your b/f holds your head in a death grip.

Charlotte Rose said...

cute - love the photo you look like a pioneer woman lucy and josh is your adoring hsuband who has been out labouring in the fields and he wants you to know hes not bitter that you get to stay home all day singing and being merry whilst he is labouring and getting callouses on his fingers - and your head is over his heart listening to it beat for you - what a romantic picture. Thats just me being whimsical - you are ofocurse rehershing a dance.