Friday, April 17, 2009

Maybe my surprise was more exciting for me than anyone else?

So i would normally not post that chubster picture of myself. But that is me with MC Hammer. Thats right, I was there while he was proposing to his girlfriend/filming his new reality TV show. I am now famous by association. Can you imagine a cooler person to meet. I cannot.


Charlotte Rose said...

Funny - Cool - which one is his girlfriend?

Crystal said...

shut up, MC Hammer? That is hilarious!!

Dean and Carly said...

guess what, I am a follower of MC Hammer on twitter, thats so cool, he's so cool. were his daughters there? I know them from twitter

Dean and Carly said...

P.s. was that photo taken before or after the 'maui babe' incident, you don't look too burnt if it was after

Lucy said...

That was after the sunburn incident turned into the really really tan incident...

Matt said...

No way!! a total dream! I actually saw him preach the good word and follow it up with a little music once in portland. he's brilliant.

sivab said...

Go Hammer!