Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Miss this

I am missing this.  At this point the sun almost as much as the boy.

Also i am loving watching the news in New Zealand, last night the headlines were...
#1.  All whites strategize about how to fend off media after being interviewed by at least eight journalists.
#2.  Dog wanders onto neighbors property and is shot.
#3.  Old ladies form knitting club and receive a visit from the All Blacks.
#4.  One armed seal released back into the wild waves good bye with only one arm.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Maybe cuter than a baby panda

Oh my gosh this is one of the cutest things ever. Right now the bidding is about $1500 and you get to name him. Jonelle and i decided we would call him Digby. That was actually one of my number one contenders for a baby name until everyone shamed me out of it. There is something so awkwardly endearing about the way his head is pretty much the same size as his body.